Friday, September 12, 2014

Features Advantage Benefit Selling

Feature Advantage Benefit selling or better know as FAB presentations are a key in selling a product but a lot of sales professionals even ones that have been doing it a really long time make the common mistake of only Feature selling which is like you taking all the facts you know about the product and dumping it on their head without really knowing what they are interested in most.

When you do a good FAB presentation you will have already investigated and know the customers hot buttons, so you take the features that are most important to them and you give the advantage of the feature and how it will benefit the customer.

Lets say you are selling a car and it has All Wheel Drive which is really important to the customer because they live in the mountains where it snows a lot in the winter. You would explain to the AWD feature, and why it is better or the latest and greatest and then you tie it into the customer by giving them the benefit that they won't have to worry about getting stuck or something. A FAB on AWD could go something like this.

Salesperson: This has the latest smart AWD which allows the car to understand which wheels are slipping and how best to apply power to each wheel. The advantage to that is when you are going up those slick icy hills in the winter you won't have to worry about sliding back or getting stuck, that sure will be nice in the winter, won't it?

Customer: It sure will that is really cool.

You took the customers hot button explained it to them, gave them the advantages of that feature and then tied it into how it would benefit them when they own the product. As salespeople we get ahead of ourselves if we can just slow down and remember the simple steps we will be able to improve our sales. Share this and comment we would love to hear your feed back.

Thank you



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