Monday, July 28, 2014

Minimizing your digital footprint

With business and in life we are always on social media or some sort of digital device, posting, commenting, and sometimes even slightly stalking people, you know what I mean. Social media and this digital era has changed the way we communicate. We hardly ever write a letter to someone anymore, we just hop online and send them an email or message them on Facebook. If we want to talk with someone on the phone we don't call them that would be to easy. We have to text them 100 texts to tell them a story or get your point across, when if we just hit the dial button we could tell them the story or whatever you want to tell them in about 2 minutes rather than 2 hours.

This digital era is amazing and it has made our lives a lot easier in so many ways, but it has also taken away some human interactions that were nice to have like talking on the phone with someone for hours not just texting them wondering to yourself what did they really mean with that text. The phone call is just so clear to understand. This is particularly true for people who are dating or teenagers. I am married now thank goodness and I love my wife to death. But before I was married and I was dating and I would  be texting someone, and they would say something in texts and I would just think to myself what does this they like me or not, do they want to hang out or are they sick or me. It was just so confusing and you can decipher a text message so many ways it drives you nuts. Now I'm not saying that texting is bad, but if we just picked the phone up sometimes it would be a lot more clear what the person was saying or feeling; because not only does someones words send a message, but there tone of voice sends a message as well.

Back to the texting issue really quick, with a text once you send it it is there forever it can be recovered even after you delete it. So there are some great up and coming companies that are trying to help us minimize our digital footprint to save us from future lawsuits, stealing of ideas, and so many other things. One of the big up and coming companies is called Cyber Dust. It is a messaging service that allows you to send a message to another Cyber Dust messenger and 24 seconds after the message is sent it disappears from your phone forever and 24 seconds after the message is read on the other phone it disappears forever as well, and if the message is screenshot you will be notified. The technology is great and is really going to benefit everyone especially those in business just to help you minimize your digital footprint. Mark Cuban is one of the founders of this amazing company so you know it is something good. Click the link below to learn more about this great app Cyber Dust. Then download it onto your smartphone to begin the process of reducing and minimizing your digital footprint.

There are also two short clip about Cyber Dust from Mark Cuban.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Appreciation for others

So it is finally Monday the day that everyone has been waiting for right? Wrong most people are not excited to be at work after a great fun weekend. Even if you didn't do anything all weekend the last thing you want to think about is work and the week that is ahead of you. Now you may be one of those people that loves to work and get back to work but there is still something about Mondays that make you think to yourself here we go again.

Enough about Monday, today I would briefly like to talk about appreciation for others in the work place. There is a quote that says "a person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected" this is such and interesting quote and really makes you think about if you appreciate others or appreciate your employees. How often do you tell someone they did a good job? How often do you thank someone for doing something for you or someone else? If you are reading this and you cannot remember the last time you thanked someone for something in the workplace or told them they did a good job, then we need to work on changing that because a simple thank you or praise can go a long way to boosting someone up.

If someone comes to work and they are happy to be there because they know people appreciate them being their or appreciate their work then they will be a very productive employee because they feel valued and important, and EVERYONE wants to feel needed and important. So I extend a challenge to everyone! While at work this week find someone who did something for you or is doing a great job with their work and tell them thank you or how well they are doing and how much you appreciate what they do. With those simple words and praise you can boost your colleges and employees up to make work more enjoyable and more efficient. Take this challenge to show your appreciation and you will be amazed at the results. If you have a minute watch or listen to the clip from TEDx Talks about appreciation.

Thank you for reading until next week Have a great week and remember "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected"

Friday, July 18, 2014

The blog that inspires

Blogging is an interesting thing and it has changed the way a lot of us tell others about our lives. People use blogs to tell the world about themselves, whether that is personal or business related.

Businesses use these blogs to keep people informed and up-to-date on current or new products, events, you name it and a blog can be used to market it. I am now here on a blog, to help the normal person, the business person, the sales person, the mothers, the fathers, you name it. I am here to help the world get inspired, get motivated, learn new skills, and in the end help everyone be more successful

Business and Sales is a huge part of my life as it is for many of you. Do you realize that a majority of people are working in some sort of sales role. Now you may not think it is a sales role because your title isn't sales professional but everyone is selling themselves or something every single day. If you work at McDonald's you may not think you are a sales person but when someone orders and you reply would you like fries with that? You are selling them on the idea of getting fries. Now that is a simple non invasive sale that a lot of us don't even realize is selling.  Then you have your other sales people of the world like car sales people, real estate agents, and the list could go on and on. What about when you date or have an interview, are you not trying to sell yourself to that person or business. If you like a boy or girl, and you are going on a date with them, you get ready and prepare yourself to give your best impression so that they will like you. Really is what you are doing is selling them on the idea that you are a good fit for them. Sells do not always have the end result of the exchanging of money for a product or service. If I go into a business and sell myself to them that I am going to provide them with better service and products than the other guy then I am selling myself and what I stand for. With that they can like, believe and trust me, that way when I ask them for other sales that involve money, it comes easier because they are already sold on me.

Now again to the main point and enough with my rambling on about sales. This blog is a way for normal everyday people and even high end business or sales people to get motivated and inspired. You will also have the opportunity to learn the basics that can help you succeed and go that extra distance needed to be successful in today's market. So if you are ready for weekly motivation, inspiration, and great teachings then please take a moment every Monday and read this blog before you start of the long work week, and hopefully we can help you make that work week seem not so long in the end.

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