Tuesday, May 26, 2015


So the word Focus means the center of interest or activity. So when you are focused; your interest is on one thing. In the last post I wrote about Wildly Important Goals which is one or two goals that is more important than any other goal.

It is not easy to set just one or two Wildly Important Goals and then its even harder once you have set that goal to Focus on that goal in order to achieve it. We often get caught up in the whirlwind of other things around us.

Your goal could be to sell $3,000 dollars worth of product this month and that could be your Wildly Important Goal. But often times we get distracted by the whirlwind, like a customer needs you to run a product out to them right this minute, or things outside of work become distractions or the whirlwind, which cause us to lose focus and lose site of our goal. So you may be wondering how do I stay focused, here are a few key pointers that can help you stay focused.

1. Make Clear To-Do-Lists everyday with key important things that will lead you to the Wildly Important Goal, the whirlwind items come lower on the list.

2. Learn to say NO to the whirlwind things that push you away or distract you from the goal

3. Don't be a YES man where when ever some one asks you to do something you do it, FOCUS on what will get you to the GOAL

These are three simple steps that can help you stay focused and help you reach your Wildly Important Goal making you Wildly Successful.

Good Luck and Go Succeed!

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