Monday, March 16, 2015


One thing I have learned over the last couple months is the consistency of continuing on with your goal. I have been working on a business for the last 6 months at first I was always working on the business. But then I started a new job with a new company and it was very time consuming, I found myself working on the business less and less.

I constantly think about the business but I don't find time to work on it. That's when I realized starting a business is a marathon not a 100 meter dash. If you want to get rich quick.......Sorry there is really no such thing, you hear about these multi-million dollar acquisitions, and you think oh if I could just come up with an idea like that I would be rich. Well you might get rich but it is going to you a lot of time like it did those people. Again its a marathon not a 100 meter sprint.

I have found the best way to marathon is to be consistent. To work consistently on your business the same amount of time every day or every week. The consistency is what will get help you win the race in the end and become really successful.

Consistency doesn't just have to be when starting a business it is best to be consistent with everything you do in life, working out, eating healthy, losing weight, your career you name it; Consistency is the best policy for success.

Lets all be more consistent and be more successful!!!

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