Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Networking Tips

Have you ever been apart of a networking group or attended a networking event? If you have you may love it or you may get nervous about it. Networking groups or events can be a little nerve racking for a lot of people because it takes them out of their comfort zone and forces them to meet new people and talk about themselves. For some people it is just second nature to network, for those people you are lucky and keep up the great work. For those who struggle with networking her are some key points to help you succeed at networking so you can succeed at business.

Here are some key points to remember when networking:

  • You are building relationships that will last
  • You need to make yourself visible, Let people know who you are
  • Practice Networking, the more you try networking the better you get at it (Practice Makes Perfect)
  • Diversify your network, network with all types of people be as diverse as possible
  • Maintain your network, Make sure you follow up with your network by phone, or email.
  • Give to others, the more referrals you give the more you will get back
These are a couple of main points to help focus on when networking and building the networking relationships. I am part of a BNI networking group and it really is neat to meet other people and gain relationships and then give referrals as well as receive them. We are all in business to make money and we can all help each other in one way or another. If we work together we can all be successful.

Tip: If you are super shy and have no idea how you could ever network or strike up a conversation come up with 3 to 5 interesting points that you can bring up to talk about when meeting someone new. It can be something as simple as this is crazy weather we've been having and then talk about the weather. If you are prepared before hand it will help you become a good networker.

Networking all begins by opening your mouth and saying who you are.

Please check back next week for more from SalesFinch

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