Friday, August 22, 2014


As I sit here in my office wondering why it was such a hard week, and why it seemed like nothing could go right. I thought to myself over and over why are these problems happening and why can nothing go right. Well the answer that kept coming to my head was the lack of leadership and accountability.

Having leaders with in a business whether large or small is a way that companies can either succeed or fail. With out people to lead then there is no structure and most things can not survive without structure. Leaders are able to over see all of the aspects of the business, or the area which they are in charge of. When I say every business needs leaders not bosses. Bosses tend to put themselves on a alter and look down on others like poor people. Whereas if you have a true leader they are part of the team and the business they work along side you and not only do they care about their success they care about your success. Most really successful leaders care more about other people successes than they do their own successes because they know that if their team is being successful then they will be successful.  This picture below really depicts the point I am trying to get across. Leadership is not easy and takes a lot of effort and time so you do not become a boss. Successful companies rely on their leaders to lead them and the team members to success, a good leader is an absolute must in today's markets to succeed.

So if you are looking for those next leaders don't just hope that they will pop up out of no where, begin grooming the ones you feel would make the next great leaders; so that when you need that next big leader they will be there to help continue the growth of the company and of others. Business is not easy but it will only be harder without the right leaders and people in place.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Be happy with what you have!

I was on Linkedin this week and I came across this quote or saying that really hit me hard personally, so I have decided to share it with you today along with some other thoughts. It said "Be happy with what you have while working for what you want." It didn't say who coined this phrase so I can't give proper credit where credit is due, but this saying made me think how lucky I am to live where I do and have the opportunities that I have.

The United States of America has come to be know as the land of opportunity. People have migrated from all parts of the world to come try there hand at the American Dream. I am lucky enough to have been born here in the good ol' USA where I have had some many great opportunities to grow and develop that had I lived anywhere else I probably would never have had such opportunities. So since reading this saying I have thought to myself I need to be happy with what I have and where I am in my life personally and with my career. But at the same time keeping those high goals and aspirations for life in mind and working towards them as I also enjoy where I am at currently in life.

I have some large goals in life and I am working to reach them every day. I sometimes think to myself why am I not in a large company and in upper level management yet? or why have I not started a successful business yet? or why have I not made x amount of money yet? or why do I still have to drive an old beat up minivan? Have you ever thought this way before, because I do all the time, but I am trying to change this way of thinking.  As I think to myself and speak with my wonderful wife who keeps me in line, I am often reminded that I do have so much to be happy for, I have so much more than more people my same age have. I am still young and have a lot to do in my lifetime. I am only 25 and I will make a name for myself and continue day after day to develop and grow myself personally and my career. 

Life is here in the moment live it today, don't live in the past or to much in the future because if you do you could miss the bright moments and opportunities of today. 

Thank you for reading my rants please leave your comments.
